Zem Zem Shrine

‍Motor Patrol

‍493 Beechwood Ave, Farrell, PA 16121

‍Meetings are held at 7pm on the first Monday of the month.

‍Location will be determined by the President.

‍2024 Goals & Outlook…

‍The Zem Zem Motor Patrol will support the Potentate and the Zem Zem Shrine in all activities. We will continue to raise awareness and funds for the Shriners Hospital for Children. A large part of the outlook for the Motor patrol in 2022 is membership! Not just for our group but the Zem Zem Shrine in general. Let’s remember why we do this, and the more members we have the more fun we can have doing it…


President: John Sinopoli



Secretary/Treasurer: Steve Hale



IASMC Web Site

A Special Day With Emily, The 2018 Shriner’s Hospital Patient Ambassador!

Zemmy the Mascot at the 2017 Pumpkinfest Parade