Congratulations to III. Sir Andrew Acker on becoming Potentate of Zem Zem Shrine for 2025. He has an upbeat year planned and is still looking for some volunteers for activities. I'd like to congratulate all the other Divan and Representatives and our newest Oriental Guide, Paul Hudak. To all the other Clubs and Units Presidents, when you have your monthly meetings, please check and make sure that all present have their paid 2025 dues card. On that note, and in closing, I still have a large list of nobles who have not paid their 2025 dues so please let's get those sent in as soon as possible so you can attend the special meeting scheduled for February 22nd at 10am here at Zem Zem.
Your Recorder,
Greetings Nobles!
As President of the Director’s Staff, I would like to welcome each of you! Now that things are getting back to normal, and the Clubs and Units are becoming active once again, it is time to get involved.
Due to Officers terms expiring, we are in need of fresh faces and people willing to attend meetings and prepare for upcoming events.
The Director’s Staff Unit are scheduled to meet monthly and during my time being involved, the member participation has been low. During past years, we have had only three or four of our members attend the monthly meetings.
We currently meet the third Tuesday of each month. To encourage attendance, please contact us with any suggestions and ideas of what may be a better day, time or location in which we can meet to increase participation.
To hold these events we need everyone to step up and become active. If participation does not pick up, the Director Staff Unit may come to an end. As members, we must all work together to achieve our purpose.
Well, the annual meeting is a thing of the past. The Jewely Committee would like to welcome all the new officers and their new positions. I would like to congratulate Ill. Sit Andrew Acker as our new potentate of Zem Zem Shrine. THANK YOU ! Ill. Sir. Yes it's a new year, time to help the Divian as much as possible. The Jewelry Committee would like to thank all the nobles that stopped by the table and made a purchase from the committee. We had a really good day in sales. But it could have been better. Remember the Jewelry Committee is never closed. The oftice and bar have a key to the display. So stop by and make a purchase of a variety of shrine products. "The StarScanner" unit that is the 1st Ladies Project is a great idea for us to present to Shriners Childrens Etie. I would like to announce at this time that the Jewelry Committee has made a donation of $500.00 to this program. This is donation from all the members that have purchased products from us. Please remember all the children that are looking out for our support at Shriners Childrens Erie.
Till we meet again
John Seastead
While they last! 7 1/2 “ tall Silent Messenger statues are available. They are on display in the showcase at the Shrine, $22 each!
If you are looking for a Shrine license, they retail at $25.00.