Greetings Nobles!
As President of the Director’s Staff, I would like to welcome each of you! Now that things are getting back to normal, and the Clubs and Units are becoming active once again, it is time to get involved.
Due to Officers terms expiring, we are in need of fresh faces and people willing to attend meetings and prepare for upcoming events.
The Director’s Staff Unit are scheduled to meet monthly and during my time being involved, the member participation has been low. During past years, we have had only three or four of our members attend the monthly meetings.
We currently meet the third Tuesday of each month. To encourage attendance, please contact us with any suggestions and ideas of what may be a better day, time or location in which we can meet to increase participation.
To hold these events we need everyone to step up and become active. If participation does not pick up, the Director Staff Unit may come to an end. As members, we must all work together to achieve our purpose.
This past month was a busy one. MASA in Virginia Beach was a great time, too bad the weather wasn’t cooperative, but that didn’t stop the diehard Shriners!
Our Sportsman’s Spectacular was held on September 14 th and was another successful event. Congratulations to all the winners and a big thank you to the volunteers and staff for all of your hard
work and dedication to this annual event.
Please plan on attending the First Lady’s Jewelry Jackpot here at the Shrine Club on October 12th . I know they are still looking for some Nobles to help in the kitchen and to serve lunch to our lovely ladies. The beautiful jewelry is on display outside the Grill Room, stop by for a look when you come in for Oktoberfest dinner specials every Thursday and Friday night for the fall season.
Hope to see a lot of you at the Quarterly Meeting October 16th.
Please have a safe and eventful Halloween. Hope your plans for the upcoming holidays fall into place easily.
As always, if you have not paid your 2024 dues, please do so. 2025 dues are now available to pay as well.
Your Recorder,
Well, by the time this article is to all the members it will be October and the 29th Annual Sportsman’s Spectacular will be history. Hopefully the event was great for the clubs and units that benefited from it. I must also say thanks to all the Shriner's and staff that helped make this event possible. “A tip of the Fez”.
Fall has arrived and things are changing on the lake. But first we must have a fundraiser for Shriners Children Erie. Yes, it’s time for the Lady’s Jewelry Jackpot. Saturday, October 12th at the Shrine Club here in Erie. Tickets are available from all Divan Ladies and at the Club. Should be a great day for Shiners Children Erie. They take care of all orthopedic care and a variety of other programs to care for children so please mark your calendar for that day. Help is always needed.
The Jewelry Committee had a very successful day at the Sportsman’s Spectacular. Our day started out fast and ended up the same way. I would like to thank all Shriners that purchased items during the day. Our next and last event of the year will be the Lady’s Jewelry Jackpot. Yes, we will have a table with all of the Shrine jewelry for sale. Last year, some of the ladies were interested in NFL items, well, I have one great one for Steelers fans. We have a limited supply of “Terrible Towels” for sale. First come first served. Plenty of possible Christmas gifts for your husband.
Thanks, John Seastead
If you are looking for a Shrine license, they retail at $25.00.
While they last! Shrine plates areavailable at the Shrine, they are $5 each!